Thursday, 22 October 2015

Cover revealings

Did you notice the 's' in revealings? Well, look at it now! I'm being oddly productive, and we can probably blame the fact that silly me is going to finish grad school while I'm working a full time job. Silly budget will be a little tighter. However, my goal is to get stuff done before that all starts.  Plus between my boyfriend and I we have four more weddings to go to, three of which one of the two of us are in the wedding party. I'll go back to cycles of writing, which isn't ideal, but that's life. So the covers that will be revealed is Christmas Lites 5!! Can you believe we're up to 5?! I can't. I also will be this weekend revealing the cover to the 3rd novella in the mistakes series, Footsteps in the Alley. Going Rogue my mini series will go become something that you can read on your e-reader. Then End of the Line 2, Off the Beaten Path. So, keep your eyes out!

Speaking of Christmas Lites 5, we will be needing all the help that we can to help advertise the book that all of the money will go towards NCADV!

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