I haven't done a new one of these in a long time, and I love these. Now this post of Men of Ottilie is an actual man! Riley is one of the main characters of my New Adult novel Beneath the Scars. He was a lot of fun to write, and hopefully people enjoy reading him as much as I had writing him. Because of his character, and his look I had trouble figuring out a person to kind of represent him for this. Riley is a burn victim and has no hair, and is covered in scars like JR Martinez. So keep that in mind while reading this.
Riley Nolan

Naturally has Brown hair
Was a Marine
The youngest out of two children
Middle name is Johnathon
Lion Heart
One of the few characters of mine that has a full name
Turning off the engine after I pulled into the driveway I sat there listening to the music be cut off, as the engine slowed down until it stopped completely. I had to get out of the car and into the house. Sighing, I tugged on the hood, even though it was already up and covering my face. Slamming the door, I strolled quickly to the front door, ringing the doorbell and waiting on the front porch. Even though I was at family's house I couldn't bring myself to just walk in. My once stand-up-right posture was now slightly hunched over with my head hidden. Through the door I could hear the dog barking and shuffling of feet before my sister, Charlotte , opened the door with a wide smile. She stood aside as she let me in.
"I was starting to wonder when you'd show up," my sister greeted, her voice was so cheery, giving me a hug before moving aside for me.
"Well I was waiting for it to get dark," I answered as their collie ran over to me, standing on it's hind legs to put the front ones on my upper body.
My sister pulled the dog off me.
"Dumb dog, you're going to wake up the kids," Charlotte yanked on the dog's collar as she started in the direction of the kitchen. "Rily, I love you and the kids miss you. You're going to have to eventually come out in the daylight. You can't live like a nocturnal animal forever."
I huffed, rolling my eyes at my sister's back.
"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Charlotte snapped, turning into the kitchen, moving cups and the kettle around.
"Don't use your mommy ninja skills on me," I sighed not in the mood to deal with my sister mothering me, again.
"I'm your older sister and a mother of two. It's a habit," Charlotte turned to face me, head titled slightly as her long, loosely curled, brown hair framed her pale face. "I worry about you."
Her blue green eyes softened their shade similar to my own. Heavy feet came down the steps, and in a couple of seconds her husband, Paul, strolled into the room. Paul nodded in my direction as he looked over at his wife, she smiled at him.
"I'm finishing up the last bits of my paperwork, but the little monkeys don't want to go to bed," he stated, his gaze locked on my sister's, as a crash upstairs occurred on cue.
"I read to you guys your bedtime story, go to bed," my sister shouted as she put water into the kettle.
"But Mom," a small voice whined. I smirked, ready for what my sister was about to bestow.
"But nothing, you two bed-"
Before my sister could finish, I interrupted, unable to control myself, "Get back into bed before the monster tries to bite your ankles!"
Yelps and screams poured from the upstairs as thunderous steps came down the stairs. Charlotte glared at me as she threw the empty box of tea at me. I chuckled. The two nearly slid into the kitchen with the younger one almost falling from the footie pajamas against the tile.
"Uncle Rily," my niece, Madison , glowed as she changed her direction to me with open arms.
"Uncle Rily, can you read us a bedtime story and check to make sure that the monster isn't there?" Madison begged, her eyes grew wide, bottom lip puckered out.
"Maybe," I responded ruffling the top of her head, my fingers getting tangled in her brown hair.
"Aw come on," Madison continued to plead. "Elliot don't you want Uncle Rily to read to us too?"
Elliot further buried his face into Charlotte 's leg.
"Elliot go on and say 'hi' to your uncle," Charlotte encouraged her son, putting her hand on his back nudging him in my direction.
The grin on my face faded. My eyes drifted to the floor, knowing that my once happy go lucky nephew who was so young when I left, was no longer that way with me. Everything changed. Now my own family was afraid to look at me, and treaded on broken glass when they talked to me. My sister was the only one who acted like nothing ever changed. Even that I questioned. I felt sick and angry, wanting to go back into my gloomy apartment.
"It's fine Charlotte ," I mumbled, my hand formed into a fist by my side on the leg that was opposite of Charlotte .
"It's not fine Rily. Go on Elliot, see Madison 's fine," she spoke gently.
Elliot didn't even budge. My brother-in-law just picked Elliot up and brought him back up to his room. Paul had the personality of a wet rag. He managed to talk less to me since I've been home the past year.
"He's four don't-"
"I'm a beast I get it," I cut her off my voice gruff.
"You aren't a beast," Madison responded. She turned around so that she was facing me. She placed a hand on both sides of my face, even the deformed parts that were forever scarred. "You're nice."
"Night Uncle Rily," Madison smiled as she hopped off my lap.
"Night Madison , sweet dreams," I responded, she giggled as she went upstairs.
"See," my sister grinned, her smugness shined in that smile as she poured the hot water into a mug. "Do you want some tea?"
"Sure," I answered bracing myself for the lecture that was about to be served with the steaming water.
"See Madison 's not afraid of you. You can stop shutting yourself from the world," Charlotte started while I rolled my eyes. "You did a good-"
"Your husband's a grown man and won't even look at me," I pointed out getting sick of this.
"Oh Paul's just awkward around all people. It's not because of the burn scars Rily."
"Whatever," I grumbled.
"Rily, you're not Madison 's age, use your words," Charlotte scolded her eyes narrowed.
"Yes mother," I continued to protest stirring the liquid mindlessly.
"Rily seriously, you did an amazing thing and received honors for-"
"Yeah the honors are really helping me I can't even walk out of my house without being gawked at. My own nephew won't come near me," I snapped, not able to hold back the fury in my voice.
"Baby brother, you've got a heart of gold, you always have. I just wish you could remember that and see past the reflection in the mirror." Her voice was a tender lullaby as she bent down and kissed the top of my head while laying strokes on my scalp.
"Easier said then done," I muttered my voice calmer then before.
"Uncle Rily you said you'd read me a story," Madison pointed out from up the stairs.
"Your audience awaits," Charlotte gave my back a little push.
I sighed and took sluggish steps towards the stairs to see Madison in her pajamas with a stuffed dog in her grasp.
"Come on, Uncle Rily you're walking too slow," Madison complained causing me to run up the stairs as she squeaked.
I scooped Madison up so that she was in a ball near my head, blowing a raspberry into her neck she giggled louder.
"Stop it!"
"Continue? Okay," I tickled her stomach; her laughter filled the house as a door behind us cracked open to show a peering Elliot.
"Rily I wanted them to sleep stop winding them up!" my sister ordered. "So help me when you have kids, karma's going to get you in the butt. And if karma doesn't I sure as hell will!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I stuck my tongue out at Madison . She grinned, Elliot shut the door.
I sat on Madison 's bed as she grabbed a picture book. Madison scurried under her sheets curling against my side. I started to read the book as her eyes slowly drifted to close and before the book was done Madison was asleep. Getting up slowly I tucked her in before tip toeing out of her room, closing the door lightly. My sister was standing there at the top of the stairs smirking, her arms crossed over her chest.
"You're great with kids."
I shook my head.
"You're going to be a great daddy one day," Charlotte continued.
"A girl would have to be able to stand to look at me to make that happen let alone touch me."
"You would have to actually leave your house at normal hours to start with. I just want you to be happy Rily, you know that, right?"
"I do, but I probably should get going," I spoke, and she gave me a hug and I made my way out into the night.
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