Currently on Apple's appstore as of August 1st 2008, there are around 1200 applications. And amongst the top 100 selling applications , around 45-50% are games. Applications in the Entertainment, Music category are the next ones and Business applications haven't yet made much of an impact.
On the other end, devices like RIM's blackberry, windows smart phones are geared around business users. Sites like handango that distribute applications for smart phones are more geared towards business users and this landscape might change with iPhone becoming more and more popular.
My belief is manufacturers like Nokia, RIM, HTC for windows smart phones would bring in lot of new devices to compete with iPhone and one would see their shift of focus from business users to young and happening crowd.
And I guess India would also see a bigger jump in this context. The iPhone cost is not going to be a barrier, Indians are used to paying a lot for their handsets. If cheaper data services are available, that's going to get Indians crazy!!
We at Wirkle have also been doing iPhone development and it is simply cool.
Developing native applications on iPhone is a breeze. And I think much of it is also because of the development tools that are based on Mac. Apple as a company has always been strong in usability and that also clearly shows up not just in the application but also the development tools.
For building native iPhone application, one needs a mac system or one could also install the latest Mac OS X (Leopard) on an Intel machine. Installation is a bit tricky but once installed it works with a breeze. The OS is much more responsive than windows and linux. After that one just needs the iPhone development kit from Apple and one is ready to go..
Developers not used to Mac would have an initial difficulty as the development is in Objective -C, lot different from C and java world, but for smart programmers it's just another language. The concepts are similar.
Building application is easy but distributing them is going to be tough. Apple is closely guarding it and the applications can be installed only from its appstore. The license is cheap $99 , but as of now Apple has opened it to a very few developers. So once that becomes a main stream activity, there's going to be a massive activity.
I am just waiting to see some real action here in India. Airtel and Vodafone have already announced plans for iPhone, till then need to have some patience!!
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