Saturday, 26 June 2004

Just Execute It

Since my university life, I have always been tempted by the Venture world. Having seen the bubble game of the dot com era; rising aspirations, falling hopes - entrepreneurship is not an easy world. Its not for everyone, only for the ones who want to make things happen.

During the dot-com era, everyone used to talk about a "Killer Idea". Few months back I was with some people, they said their intention was mainly towards good ideas. Even though ideas matter but more then the idea, its the "Execution". Ask yourself a question - do you have the capability to execute, do you understand how a business is run? Ideas just come and pass unless someone strong doesn't executes them.

Recently a company called "Auction Drop" got his first funding. The idea is simple, a chain of drop off centers for eBay. People drop off their items for what they want to sell at eBay at some store and rest everything the store handles. You Drop It Off. We Sell It On eBay.

Interestingly this idea has been tried earlier and it failed. A company called "EZSale" founded some years back on the same principle had its fall. Link

So will AuctionDrop win or fail or why did EZSale failed - answer lies in execution!I remember few words from a talk by Vinod Khosla, where he said one has to pursue things religously against all odds.

The moral is even if you have a great idea, you might not be successful. Strength lies in building yourself strong, knowing the ins and outs, understand things well and then Just Execute It!

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