Friday 31 January 2014

Elastica "Stutter"

Having grown up as the child of a teacher and a coach, it was not uncommon to see young adults come up to my Dad and thank him.  They'd let him know that his guidance in math or sports really made a difference in their lives.  It was something Dad is always quietly, clearly proud of.

While my job isn't as profound or important as a teacher, every now and then I get a taste of what my Dad experiences with each bit of gratitude shown to him.

I got this email on Wednesday:

Hi P.J.,

I found your blog a few months ago by searching for the key words Whats The Alternative, WABN, 92.7, and Abingdon.  My friends and I grew up in Saltville, VA about 20 minutes north of Abingdon.  We loved WTA and listened to it regularly.  To this day I still listen to many of the bands that I heard for the first time on WABN.  The reception in Saltville was pretty bad so me and my skate rat/punk rock friends connected tin foil and unraveled coat hangers to our stereos and hung them from our walls and ceilings in an effort to improve our listening experience and to record better quality tapes.  We had several volumes of tapes that we recorded from Whats The Alternative and traded them with one another.  I was very excited to see your blog and read some stories about WABN.  I had always wondered what happened with the station.  I moved away in 2000 and eventually came back and settled in the Tri-cities.  To this day the area still lacks a station that's like WABN.  WABN was a huge part of my early teenage years as it was always on in our  rooms and on our car stereos.  Again, I enjoy the blog and I hope all is well for you.  Attached are two photos of a tape I recorded from the show.  The tape will not play anymore due to warping from sun exposure.  It is dated 7/28/1995.

Take care,

Jesse Whitt
Mt. Carmel, TN

If you look closely, "Stutter" is one of the tracks on this casette.  And if you search on the blog, you'll find that almost every other track listed on the cassette, has appeared as a fond memory/Weekend Post.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Eve 6 "Inside Out"

As part of the "post-1,500 posts" era, I have scaled back blogging a little bit, and that includes dropping the Weekend Post posts, so I don't have to come up with material 7 days a week.

But in the spirit of "Throwback Thursday" I'm going to post the kind of songs I might put in a Weekend Post.  I'll do it every Thursday.  And maybe Tuesdays too.  Is there a Throwback Tuesday meme?

So, for Throwback Thursday, here's a huge hit from the 90s.  Apparently these guys are still together and touring and such, but this was their only major hit.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Pete Seeger "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"

"Pick out a book and meet me on the bed."

It's what we do every night with the kids.

Pajamas.  Teeth Brushing.  And then pick out a book and climb on to Mom and Dad's bed, where we read a few stories before bed.

Because we'd read it the night before, the Dr. Suess anthology was still on the shelf behind the bed.

"Something from this?" I asked my 6 year old daughter. 


"Sneetches?  The Sleep Book?  The Lorax?"

"The Lorax!"

And then we sat there.  My 3 year old son was still brushing his teeth, and my wife was trying to move the process along.  Unless you want to deal with a nuclear explosion, you never start a story unless both kids are in the room to hear it.

My brother-in-law got the kids this heavy, heavy anthology, and it's a great go-to source, because in one large book, it contains "The Cat And The Hat," "Green Eggs And Ham" and a dozen more stories.

Each story is prefaced by a short essay from various folks who were influenced by, or appreciate Dr. Suess. 

The Lorax is introduced by Pete Seeger.

"The most important thing you kids can do is ask the right questions."

I read that aloud to my daughter.  I doubt she really understands what he meant.  But I feel like it's these kinds of messages that, if you repeat them often enough eventually they sink in and your kid will become the kind of person who'll have the skills to navigate this big, wide, confusing world.

I was thankful to have such an important message laid out in such a succinct, clear way.

I learn, the next morning, that Pete Seeger has passed away.

Thanks Pete, for always being on message, with clarity and love, with care for children and for the future and for doing it with such beautiful simplicity.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Courtney Barnett "Avant Gardener"

This one is from Australia.  It's new and it's quirky.  Listen for the narrative and the wordplay.  There aren't many songs that start about gardening and end in an ambulance.  The idiosyncratic-ness and the slightly noisy underside have won me over . . . .

Hear the song on Youtube.

Monday 27 January 2014

Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell "Back When We Were Beautiful"

Usually, when we're putting together the Top 25 list for MVY, the very top spots are left intact, straight from the voting.  But when you get down to the last 5 or so slots, only a vote or 3 can separate #20 from #40.  With so many albums so close, some shuffling around will happen, and the last few albums are usually decided not by votes, but by gut.

We take into account how important the album was to the MVY playlist, how well it was critically received, how well it sold, and how much longevity it feels like the record may have.

Admittedly, these characteristics are somewhat subjective.

With only 5 slots left, and 15 to 20 records that are legitimate contenders, there is some hashing out to be done.

Barbara was pretty adamant that "Old Yellow Moon" from Emmylou Harris and Rodney Crowell make the list.

I wasn't so sure.

I thought it was a good record, and it was certainly well received by the critics.  But we didn't play it a ton, didn't get a ton of requests for it, and there was no second single to keep it alive on the air throughout 2013, so it had faded into memory a bit.

But she argued so passionately for it, talking about the beauty and the craft, and saying that it was the kind of record that touched the hearts of people who really listened.  She said, decisively, that it HAD to be on the list.

I was smart enough to trust her gut.

Guess who won Best Americana Album at The Grammys last night?

Hear the song on Youtube.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Sample Sunday ~ Within Your Eyes

Hey Lovelies!
Sample Sunday! I haven't had one in awhile because of 1. I don't know if I should post samples for the sequels, when they really give away the ending of the first one. 2. I had a little bit of writer's block during winter break. I got out of a rut on this one New Adult novel, my Cinderella remake :) If you missed the first chapter I put the link to it on here as well. I hope you enjoy, and happy Sunday!

Chapter 1 Sonja


A few days later, ringing, loud ringing reached my ears causing me to jolt up away. Things were still blurry as I reached for my phone as it rested next to my bed. I wiped the moisture off the side of my face.
"Hello?" my voice was hoarse as I looked around my bed to realize I fell asleep reading once again.
"Sonja, that's that how you greet the woman who raised you?" Robin’s higher voice was sent through the phone.
"Sorry Robin," as sleep started to fade from my mind. "Do you need my help or something?"
Taking my glasses off I rubbed my eyes once again as I attempted to watch my tone.
"You’ll have to come home as soon as you can," Robin’s voice came off distant; she was probably getting her nails or hair done. "I’m having clients over this weekend and we'll need the extra help about, you know cleaning, preparing, the food, decorating, you know the usual stuff."
I glanced over to the calendar that was hanging on the wall. The dinner was already written on my calendar, I did send out the emails to her clients after all.
"I have that written down. Also that the chicken and salmon will be delivered to the house Saturday morning so that the meat will be fresh and the other stuff I figured I’d pick up at the stores."
Keeping my mouth shut I held back a yawn knowing better.
"Right well, I’ll leave a list out for you," Robin informed me as if this would be new.
"I have a test this morning then I’ll drive home afterwards-"
"No we will need you sooner-"
My eyes widen to their limits with dread as a rock sunk to the bottom of my stomach.
"But Robin I need this class for my major!" I pleaded; panic was filling inside of me.
This class didn’t have many grades and I could not afford to just skip a test. I have spent so too time studying for this test to just to blow it off. There was currently drool drying on my book.
"No buts’ Sonja, we’re your family and you can’t just leave family behind when they need you can you?" Robin’s voice was warm and sweet, never good coming from Robin…she knew me well.
"I’ll pack and leave right afterwards," I whispered into the phone as my eyes stayed on my notes, I closed the notebook feeling defeated.
"Lovely! So I left a list of what needs to be done on the refrigerator because I’m getting my hair done later so chop chop there's so much to do."
The phone clicked and I fell back. I was so tired from stay up studying the last couple of nights I could almost cry with how frustrated I was. Getting up I threw a few things I needed in my backpack that I would need for the weekend. Rubbing my eyes I put my glasses. I did not have enough sleep in me to be dealing with this. Standing up I rushed into the kitchen on the search for a quick meal before I left. Angie was standing with a raised brow eating a bowl of some of her sugar cereal.
"Sonja we aren’t leaving yet, why are you rushing like someone lit a fire under your butt?"
Glaring over my shoulder I dropped my bag on the ground, "Robin called-"
"And?" Angie’s head shock slightly I had to break the eye contact.
"She needs me to come asap which means I have to skip the test…" my voice was so low I wasn’t sure if Angie had even heard it because if she did she might throw a fit.
I was not in the mood for what was about to happen.
"You're not skipping your test to run a couple of errands," Angie firmly placed her bowl on the counter; the eyeliner around her eyes just intensified her glare.
"She needs me to-"
"Girl I will pick your butt up if I have to and throw it in the car if it means you taking your test," Angie growled and I knew she meant true to her word, she didn’t look it, but she was strong. "Take the test and tell her you are running late because of traffic, you have to hit a highway anyway, accidents happen all the time!"
"She’ll know!" the tone of my voice became childish.
Angie raised an eyebrow, "I know she's a witch, but I didn’t know she had a crystal ball for her and the flying monkeys to watch you always through."
"My step sisters are the flying monkeys in this?" I asked hoping to distract her as I grabbed a banana ready to slowly grab my things, steady movements or it will startle Angie.
Angie scrunches her face for a moment before she smirks, "Didn’t think of it, but if the hairy bodied simple mindedness fits."
I laughed with my backpack in one of my hands nearly tip toeing backwards towards the apartment door hoping that I had her side tracked enough so I could go to my car. I could email my professor when I got home about how I was sick. Angie was smiling before turning to wash her bowl in the sink. Just as I let out a sigh of relief Angie turned sharply on her heels and her hands on her hips.
"Wait a minute where the hell do you think you're going missy?"
"Um…" I couldn’t think of an excuse, but with Angie I knew I was screwed.
"I don’t think so miss," Angie muttered as she grabbed her purse and picked me up bridal style carrying me out of the apartment.
"Ahh!" I yelped. "Angie. Feet. On. The. Ground. Now!"
I was always afraid of being dropped, didn’t care who it was I didn’t want to be picked up.
"Oh stop your squirming or I will drop you," Angie grumbled. "Gees with your bag you're heavier!"
"Gee thanks!" I shot at my friend.
"Hey Mrs. Peterson," Angie called over to a neighbor of ours who was standing out of her car, her face was flat, us being like this wasn’t new unfortunately for us.
We didn’t throw parties, we didn’t invite loud people over, we always put the garbage out on time and on top of everything we were nice to the others. So basically the neighbors couldn’t complain other then giving us odd stares occasionally. Roughly Angie tossed me into the back of her car before slamming the door and quickly getting into the driver’s seat. She pulled out before I could jump out of the car.
"Angie! This isn’t funny. I need to go home to Robin before she blows a casket."
"Minor kidnapping going on! You'll take that test and tell the Witch that you got stuck in traffic because of an accident. I mean you've been studying for so long for this test it can’t possibly take you long to take anyway."
Quickly I buckled my seatbelt as she sped out of the parking lot. I nearly clung onto the seat cushions under me as she drove. I did not want to die! My eyes kept glancing around at the cars around us as she held me prisoner. The car was definitely going too fast for me to attempt to roll out of the car. Angie won this round…

"Hey Robin I’m just leaving you a message to tell you I’ve been stuck in traffic the last forty minutes. I can’t see what has happened, but I’m guessing by the bumper to bumper that it was a bad accident, but I just wanted to let you know that I was in traffic so that you wouldn’t worry. Oh wait it looks like the traffic is starting to move I hope to be home soon," I click the phone as I got into my car and drove off towards home praying that I really wouldn’t hit traffic.
Taking a deep breath I let it out slowly as my music filled my car, readying myself for the hurricane that was an hour away. Everything will be fine, everythingwillbefine
Well at least I hope everything will be fine. I mean what would be the worse thing Robin could do to me? A shudder went through me despite the warm October we were having. I was able to drive with the windows partially open. Robin had bad punishments when it came to me, even Angie didn’t know some of the things. For the better anyway I hate pity, I was strong and wanted to be able to stand on my own. I was more then able to take care of myself, I couldn’t rely on others.
Back in forth grade I was standing on the foot stool to reach the counters so that I could wash the dishes. The water was hot while the sink was filled halfway with bubbles, I was home alone humming to myself as I scrubbed the dinner plates. Well their dinner plates were dirtier then mine, they had some meal that I couldn’t pronounce while I was having some of the leftover lasagna they had the other night. With the dishes dripping from the red sauce and bubbles I wish I could have gone to the movies too, but here I was home babysitting little Gabriella who was in the other room playing with a doll. I couldn’t wait to stop washing the dishes so that my hands wouldn’t burn anymore and I was tired.
Gabriella had been crying the night before and I was dragged out of bed, up the stairs from the basement, then up the stairs to the second floor, to Gabriella’s room where the little girl was screaming with tears streaming down her face. It took so many hours to get her to go back to sleep that I kept almost falling asleep in class today. A crash from the other room was followed by crying echoed throughout the halls of the big house. Jumping off the stool my foot got caught causing me to fall with the dish in my hand to crash on the floor besides me. A whimper escaped my lips as my arms were scrapped by the now shattered dish. I slipped once again with the spilt water. My eyes were watery as I rushed into the other room; thin streaks of blood were dripping down my arms and onto the carpet to where Gabriella was sitting on the floor. Her doll was a couple of feet away from her right next to a vase that was now in a million pieces.
"Gabriella what did you do?" I shrieked picking her up, she yelled and yanked on my hair. "Ow!"
Putting the small toddler on the ground I bent over to start picking up the pieces of glass when the door opened. My insides rattled as my hands trembling to gather the jagged parts before Robin came in.
"Sonja!" a voice bellowed causing me to hop quickly to my feet my eyes fell to the floor. "I leave you home for a brief time, thank God I forgot something and had to turn back. Gabriella is in tears what did you do to her? There's glass all over the floor near her and is that the water running I hear?"
My throat went dry unable to find the words to defend myself. She was going to give it to me. Robin’s face scrunched turning the normally beautiful face into a scary one. She did not bother moving Gabriella away from the glass as she took hold of my wrist in her grasp tightly.
"Ow, Robin!" I pleaded. "Please I’m sorry, please let go!"
Nearly stumbling down the stairs after Robin I wasn’t sure what she had planned for me. We went past the pool table and big screen TV to the back room that held some Christmas decorations that held some another door. My room. She ripped open the door before she slammed it. Then I heard the click of a lock that held me in that room for two days…
Shaking my head I pulled into the driveway to pull off to the side so that my car wouldn’t block the other three cars. Turning my car off I took a long deep breath before letting it out as the memory of being locked up in the basement for a couple of days overcame me. My luck had it my light bulb went out and I spent most of that time shut up in the dark. I grabbed my backpack out of the back of my car and made my way to the front door. Robin had been a model years ago and always seemed to be good with finances. When she had Tiffany she got out of the modeling and got into fashion designs so between that and what my father left Robin was living off well. I walked along the front curve of the driveway in front of the door.
Stepping up the octagon shaped front walkway to the two panel glass doors. Putting my key I made into the house, things were quiet…not sure if that was a good or bad sign.
"Hello?" I called out, checking my phone out of my bag to see if I had any messages I missed while I was driving, nothing.
Lifting my head I made my way down into the basement stopping when Robin’s white and grey Ragdoll cat crossed my path. Her pale blue eyes stared up at me, angry eyes as she let out a loud high pitched cry.
"Oh shut up I didn’t even touch you," I hissed at the cat that always hated me, the thing was only friendly with Robin, but tolerated my two step sisters.
Walking around Bella I opened the door to the basement and made my way down into the cold dark basement. The lights slowly turned on, taking a bit to warm up to reflect off the professionally painted walls and molding. My shoes were quieted by the fluffy carpet as I went past the pool table, big screen TV, and large couch to get to the side room that was off to the side. When I first opened the door there was boxes for storage, a few reindeer then behind all of that there was another door that no one would ever guess was there. My room.
Opening the door I flipped the switch to an area that was just mine. The carpet was thin and blue while the walls were painted a pale yellow in my attempt to bring in some light from the small window from the top of the wall. My mattress was a twin so that it would fit in my small room and it sat on the floor. On one side of the wall was my dresser that held all of my clothes when I was home. Then along the other wall was my line of books. Then on the actual walls I was able to tape some pictures of my friends and I over the years since I was unable to frame. Right near my bed was a picture of my father and I right before Robin was brought into our lives. Dropping my bag next to my bed I turned the lights off to go hunt down that list Robin said she left for me.
My sneakers against the tile of the floor were the only sounds in the whole house. There on the counter was a pad of paper with a pen, the list. There in Robin’s neat curly handwriting was a long list of what I was supposed to do today. Picking it up I started to read her note.
Sonja’s to do list:
-Pick up dry cleaning.
-Do all of the laundry.
-Trim Bella’s nails.
-Send the last payment for the lawn people.
-Mail my changes to the sketches for the upcoming line.
-Pick up some flowers for the house for the party.
-Pick up a few things at the food store:
            -Wine (called it in they are expecting you, no excuses!)
            -Sparkling water.
            -Whatever ingredients you need to make chicken Françoise.
            -Ingredients for chocolate mousse.
Tomorrow you’ll work on cleaning.
Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I sighed. It was going to be a long day ahead of me.

The couple of bottles of wine were in the refrigerator with the other ingredients I had to pick up. The flowers were already in the vases and in water while there were the bills in the mail. I took a peek at the sketches before I went to mail them, and as much Robin hated me, it sucked to say it, but she had talent. She was in some of those magazines Angie read, she bugged out when she found I was related to the Robin Chantel, as Angie got to know me more she boycotted anything Robin put out even though I knew she was into some of the fashion.
I had just switched the laundry again and was heading upstairs with a basket of clean clothes that was already sorted so that I just had to put the clothes into their rooms. Carrying the basket up the stairs I kept my vision around the pile so that I wouldn’t trip going up. The last thing I needed was for Bella to finally get her way. Reaching the landing I went into Gabriella’s room first since it was the closest.
Gabriella was the baby of the baby of the family and Robin spoiled her just as much as she did with the other two. Gabriella’s room was a pearly pink color and her furniture was white with small gold details. Lately she had been complaining her room was too babyish and wanted to redecorate. Gabriella had a bay window that overlooked the side of the yard. Her own computer was off to the side with all different decorations that all expensive. Slowly I put away all of Gabriella’s clothes from that load. She was thirteen years old and I wasn’t sure how much of this stuff was appropriate for her age. At thirteen I was still watching cartoons not caring what celebrity was having sex with whom.
Shaking my head I went over to Christine’s room next and her room was a paradise blue color. Her furniture was an antique white color and unlike Gabriella, Christine’s room was beyond organized it was a little alien like. She had a whole wall that was shelves of books, movies, and small knickknacks that were spaced far apart from each other to avoid cluttering. I put a few of Christine’s clothes into her dresser, but she hung most of her clothes up in her walk-in-closet on velvet hangers. Most of her clothes were dresses anyway.

Picking up the basket I went over to the mini Robin’s room, Tiffany. Tiffany was the oldest of Robin’s daughters, and we were only a couple of months apart from each other so that we were in the same grade. Christine was two years younger than us. Walking through Tiffany’s room that was a deep purple, making her room darker than the other two, her furniture was a deep wood color with a sled bed that matched. Her clothes were flashy and in every way always up to date with the latest trends. I really wished I didn’t have to put away their underwear. By the time I got back downstairs the last load was ready to be put away. I couldn’t figure out how my three sisters and Robin had that much clothes plus what I picked up at the dry cleaners…

Saturday 25 January 2014

What's happening?

Hey Lovelies!
So I started my spring semester of grad school this week and it looks like more work this semester than last so my goal is not to drown! I'll be making my old school calendar with color coded sharpies today to see how bad it'll be. Also if you aren't friends with me on Facebook I had hand surgery on the 14 and I've been wearing a sling since. Figures when I break writer's block writing physically because a pain typing one handed. But I have a fun post for you on Sample Sunday to hopefully show you one of the projects I'm working on.

Friday 24 January 2014

Stephen Colbert "America Again"

While I love looking at the Grammy nominee list for all the musical delights, I must confess that when the list comes out I quickly scan down to see who is nominated in the "Best Spoken Word" category.  Bill Clinton, Betty White, Al Franken, Orson Welles and many other folks who, conceivably should not have a Grammy, do, because of this category.

Stephen Colbert already has an Emmy.  If he gets a Grammy, he's halfway to his EGOT!

Hear the clip on Soundcloud.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Gary Clark Jr. "Please Come Home"

While the Grammy nomination list is low on MVY artists, there is ONE artist who hit a pretty big milestone.

Gary Clark Jr has the distinction of being the only artist in Grammy history to be nominated for songs in the“Best Traditional R&B Performance” and “Best Rock Song” categories for the same album.

It speaks well of both his genre-stretching abilities, and MVY's acceptance of eclectic, uncategorizable artists.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Regina Spektor "You've Got Time"

This Grammy category used to be called "Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or Television" but in this modern technology day and age, the category is now known as "Best Song Written for Visual Media."

Because this song isn't really in a movie or on television.

This is the theme song to the Netflix original series "Orange Is The New Black."

It seems like a bit of a long shot, since it's up again "Skyfall" and "Atlas" and other big movie themes.

But the fact that it's considered, is a victory unto itself.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Lorde "Royals"

The Grammys are this weekend.

One of the many, many (many!) little things I do at MVY, is to copy the whole nomination list, and then go over it with a fine tooth comb, highlighting all of the MVY artists who got nominated.  I print it out and leave it in the studio for the DJs.

Though this year's document is 20 pages long, the list---for MVY listeners---is pretty weak.

No MVY acts for Album Of The Year, Record Of The Year, Song Of The Year or Best New Artist.

Oh, some of our favorites show up in places you'd expect, like Americana or Alternative.

But this list this year is decidedly Pop heavy.

That's not entirely a bad thing.

Even though they aren't likely to be played on our station, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Bruno Mars, and Daft Punk are all credible artists who made great songs in the genre where they live.

I'd even venture that though this was not a tune we'd play on MVY, Lorde's "Royals" IS one of the best songs of the year, without a doubt.

I'll post about some other interesting Grammy nods throughout the week . . .

Hear the song on Youtube.

Monday 20 January 2014

Harry Chapin "Cat's In The Cradle"

With "Cat's In The Cradle," either you tear up a bit at the story, or you find it to be a huge pile of schmatlz.

For me, it's neither.

Instead it brings back a bit of warm nostalgia for 70s Pop culture. 

No, "Cat's In The Cradle" makes me fondly recall the days of K-Tel Records.

For those of you too young to remember, TV in the 1970s (especially those UHF channels) had an endless parade of commercials for K-Tel and their "20 Original Hits!  20 Original Stars!" slogan.

In the 90s and 2000s, the "That's What I Call Music" compilations did the same kind of thing---collect the big hits of that year on one album.

But it was the commercials of the 70s that grabbed you, by stringing together the hooks of a dozen-plus earworms.

Dad must've got sucked in by one of these spots (or, he just couldn't wait a full week until the next episode to hear the theme songs of "The Rockford Files"), because we had the 1975 compilation called "Music Express."

I knew "Cat's In The Cradle" from the radio, but it was on Dad's LP that I was able to listen through again and again to suss out the sorry tale of parental karma.

Looking back at the track list (which you can see here), I must've only listened to Side One, because I can still sing all those songs by heart, while I have been unable to even hum a bit of the melody of most tracks on Side Two.**

I can say with certainty that my love of both the album (which was really my first exposure to the idea of a mixed tape) and the commercials (which was an early introduction to the power of editing) predicted the career I'd end up in, where I have spent a life creating playlists and crafting music beds, for broadcast and commercials, and for fun.

**The exception of course, is "The Rockford Files" theme, which I still know.  One of the highlights of childhood, was being allowed to stay up an extra 5 minutes past bedtime, so that I could sit with Dad and watch the opening credits to "The Rockford Files" which contained a different "Answering Machine" gag every week.  Dad would roar.  I'd laugh too, though I'm sure the humor sailed over my head 90% of the time.

Hear the song on Youtube.

See some vintage K-Tel commercials on Youtube.

Hear "The Rockford Files" intro on Youtube.

Hear a whole bunch of answering machine messages on Youtube.

Hear ALL the songs on the "Music Express" album on Youtube.

Thursday 16 January 2014

The Beatles "The End"

This is my 1,500th blog post for Every Day I Write The Blog.

Way back a year-and-a-half ago, I marked post #1,000 by saying that I didn't know how much longer I'd keep going.  I had to be running out of stories.

At the time, I may have underestimated how many untapped sources there were.  Turns out there were several hundred left.

But now, for reals, I think I've hit the pretty close to the end of what I can do with the original concept of this blog---or at least half of the original concept.

Part of the initial idea was to take a song and write about, "what does this song remind me of?" telling a personal story from the past.  At this point, I look at the notepad where I have kept a list of stories I'd like to tell, and I've crossed pretty much everything off the list.

I'm sure I'll come up with a few more, here and there, but largely, I think I've hit the wall, covering 45 years worth of stories of my life. 

The other part of the blog was to write about being the Program Director/Music Director at mvyradio, and to give a little insight into the question I get asked over and over, "How do you pick the songs?"

I can probably continue to bring you new things, and talk about the process.

But I don't think I can write every day.

A few months back, I started taking on the General Bloggers page at MVY, which is not an every day thing, but does suck up a bunch of blogging time.  And if the original reason to start this blog was to help the station, then working on the MVY blog is probably more important.

I have a few other creative ventures that I'd like try out, which are outside of the mission of the blog, but I can probably post here if I free up some time.  So if I write less, I can post more---get it?

. . . and in The End . . . there's never an end.  Even the death of John Lennon didn't prevent The Beatles from putting out a new song.  So I suspect I'll keep writing on the blog.

Just not Every Day.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Steely Dan "Green Earring"

The good karma of not sucking . . .

My wife lost her favorite earring.

Now I know, losing an earring is the kind of thing that happens all the time, but this was a bit of a big deal.

Last Spring, we had taken a family vacation to Ocracoke Island in North Carolina, a tiny enclave that has little beyond a few restaurants, some artisans and miles of empty beaches.

My wife, and artist herself, fell in love with the work of a particular jeweler and the one-of-a-kind earrings she made.

But she couldn't bring herself to buy a pair.

It's a funny thing that happens to mothers.  They give and they give and they give, but they also feel enormously guilty about taking.

"Go buy them.  It's totally fine by me," I said, several times.  But she couldn't.

She wanted to, but she couldn't.

On the very last day we were on the Island---on the very last hour of the very last day we were on the Island---as we were packing the car to race to catch the ferry, she said, "I have to get them."

She walked down the street to the jewelers (it's a small island) and I finished packing the car, loaded in the kids and picked her up in front of the store.

From that moment on, for the next 7 months, she wore those earrings every single day.

About 2 months ago, she lost one.

Honestly, losing something is not that uncommon in my household.  My wife is one of those people who loses her car keys, her phone, her ipad, etc, etc, on a regular basis.  They always turn up.

But the earring didn't, and she was really upset.

Every day she'd get dressed and say out loud (not expecting and answer) "Where is that earring?"

Long gone, no doubt.  We'd tried to work out when she might have lost it, and the possibilities weren't good. 

She knew that she wore it to work (teaching), but she didn't know if she'd lost it at school, or on the way to her car, or at any of the couple of stops she'd made (the store, the gas station) on her way to pick up the kids.  If it wasn't in the car (it wasn't), then it was probably on the ground somewhere.  Gone.

When it wasn't showing up, I decided I would take a picture of the remaining earring, and send it to the jeweler.  Maybe she could reproduce her original, one-of-a-kind work.  A custom job like that wasn't going to cost half as much, no doubt, but it would make a good present.

Too close to Christmas to get it done, I decided to wait until January to make contact, in hopes that maybe I could give it to her for her March birthday.

Our finances are often as disorganized as the rest of our lives, so it was with great pride that I was carrying a check to my son's daycare.

We pay quarterly for his (awesome) pre-school, and it's always a bit of a financial wack.  Sometimes it requires juggling the finances to make it work.  Often, we have paid late.  Occasionally, really late.  It never feels good.

But my wife had done some good planning this quarter, and we were ready with a check the day it was due.  I was proud to be paying on time.

As I was tacking the envelope to the cork-board at daycare (which I otherwise never look at), I let out a yelp.

There was the earring.

It had been found, but no one knew who it belonged to.

For a minute, I toyed with the thought of giving it to my wife and telling her I had contacted the jeweler and had it made for her.

Instead, I gave my boy the glory.

He and his teacher taped up the earring in a bright red jewelry box, and he dictated a letter that said, "Here is your earring!  Don't lose it!"  And he presented the surprise at the dinner table that night.

I think my wife was actually shocked, speechless at the surprise.  I thought she might cry (but she didn't), but she was truly, truly thrilled.

I feel like I finally saw that earring that had been tacked to the corkboard for two month, as a reward for doing what shouldn't be a big deal, but was---paying the bill on time.

It's the good karma of not sucking.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

St Paul & The Broken Bones "Call Me"

Here's a fun game. 

Start the video below and then minimize your browser.  Or just walk away from your computer screen.  So you can't SEE what you are hearing.

After listening to half the song, mentally describe to yourself what you think the singer looks like.

Then watch the video and prepare for some cognitive dissonance.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Monday 13 January 2014

Blondie "Call Me"

Here's a leftover story from New Year's . . .

For the last several years, during the week around New Years, my wife's family convenes in Newport, Rhode Island for a few days at a timeshare.  Prior to having kids, my wife and I might go out for New Year's Eve, but in these last few years, we've generally stayed in.

That was the case this year.  As midnight approached we found ourselves watching Ryan Seacrest as he did the Dick Clark thing.

At some point, Seacrest brought out Debbie Harry and Blondie, who chatted for a few minutes, and then launched into a few of their hits.

My wife's family was remarking how good Debbie Harry both looks and sounds, though she is approaching 70 years old.

My mind suddenly jumped back nearly 20 years.

In the mid-90s, when I was living in Virginia, my roommate was a Virginia Tech grad, and a football fan.  When the Hokies made it to the Sugar Bowl, we decided to hit the road.

New Orleans for New Year's Eve?  Hell yeah!

The football game was exciting.  Tech won.  We were in an upbeat mood as we headed down to Bourbon Street, trying to decide where we'd go to celebrate midnight.

We noticed that at one of the clubs, the headliner for the evening was Debbie Harry.

"Debbie Harry!?!!? C'mon!" I remember exclaiming.

Harry hadn't had a hit in years and years.  I presumed she was old and washed up and why would I want to spend New Year's Eve with that?

So there I was, back in 2013 on New Year's Eve, sitting in a timeshare sipping some wine in my pajamas with my wife and my In-Laws waiting for the clock to hit midnight so I could go to bed, while I watched Debbie Harry rocking out on National TV, whipping the Times Square audience into a frenzy, looking fabulous as she neared 70. . .

I looked at the TV.  I looked at my pajamas.  I looked at the TV and said out loud:

"Who's washed up now, Debbie Harry?"

Hear the song on Youtube.

Hear Blondie on New Year's Eve 2013 on Youtube.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Ash "Girl From Mars"

Here's another Weekend Post:
More Brit-pop from a UK band that managed to take the cartoonish punkiness of The Ramones, but make it cute too.  Nearly 20 years later, this song still charms . . .

Hear the song on Youtube.

Weekend posts are a chance to revisit songs that have happy memories, not of anything in particular, other than just hearing the tunes.

Many of these songs were tracks that I played during my 90s stint as an Alternative/Modern Rock radio show.  They're tunes that I hardly hear these days, but are fun to revisit.

Click on the "Weekend Posts" label below, to see other posts like this.

Saturday 11 January 2014

The Charlatans "Can't Get Out Of Bed"

Here's another Weekend Post:
Felt like a dose of Brit-pop this week and looked up this long lost track on Youtube.  Seemed like the right kind of song to be singing on a cold winter week, when dragging my butt out of bed (and getting the kids up and moving) was especially hard, due to the warm comfortable sheets versus the unforgiving frigidity.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Weekend posts are a chance to revisit songs that have happy memories, not of anything in particular, other than just hearing the tunes.

Many of these songs were tracks that I played during my 90s stint as an Alternative/Modern Rock radio show.  They're tunes that I hardly hear these days, but are fun to revisit.

Click on the "Weekend Posts" label below, to see other posts like this.

Friday 10 January 2014

Garnett Rogers "Small Victory"

This week our guest blogger is Scott Lajoie, who has substituted for me before as editor of Cape Cod Magazine. Now a writer with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouth Port, Scott is writing about songs addressing animal welfare issues of today. 

The first time I ever heard this song, I became very emotional. Okay, I’ll say it: I cried a little.

I saw Garnett Rogers perform here on Cape Cod six or seven years ago. He put on a great show with a lot of moving songs. But this one stood out. I was amazed by his fingerpicking. I engaged with the lyrics from the first word. I related to the characters, even the friend “who turned to me and said, ‘you’re soft-headed, I can tell.”

The act of saving this horse makes for a great story, and the twist made me smile. (Is it a twist, or do you see it coming a mile away? Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me, even after I have hear it dozens of times.)

There are many stories like these. Right here on Cape Cod, a girl named Brittany Wallace had parted ways with her horse and then some time later found it online, up for auction where allegedly people buy horses for their meat (I wrote about her in Cape Cod Magazine’s “People to Watch” this year). Scribbles is now safely back with Wallace, but how many other horses face this fate?

I love what Rogers says about helping as an “impulse” in the intro of the video here. But a lot of us won’t find ourselves at a horse auction anytime soon and thus don’t know how we can make a difference. We feel helpless.

We shouldn’t have to. There are plenty of organizations that address the many animal welfare problems that exist worldwide. Although IFAW does not count horse rescue among its repertoire services, you can Google ‘horse rescue’ for a listing of places near you that could use some assistance. Of course, there is always the Humane Society and the ASPCA, too.

While some organizations strive for action on larger picture issues—preserving habitat, endangered species listings, cruelty legislation, etc.—many realize the importance of saving one animal at a time. It’s costly. But it’s worth it because it’s the right thing to do.

Do your research. Learn about how these non-profits operate. Find work that inspires you. And pledge your support.

You could be the one who helps make “one more small victory.”

Hear the song on Youtube.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Review ~ Diana Nixon's The Souls of Rain

Hey Lovelies!
It's been awhile since I've posted a review, I'm sorry! I have one for you today though. If you want to read a sample also I posted one a month ago: here

Even heaven has its secrets. Claire was having a normal day, she got a new human to watch over, her friend Nolan is pushing her buttons, and her human can see her even though she's invisible? Claire is a guardian angel when she gets her new human things are turned upside down for her. Her human makes her feel like she's seen him before. Heaven her home is passing laws she does not agree with. Her new helper that she is assigned is making her uneasy. Nolan and Claire work with her human, (Alan) to figure out why the world they once knew seems to be closing everyone off.

Diana Nixon writes beautifully. She is descriptive without the readers thinking there is too much. The characters are fun and believable. Even though there questions to be answered, the characters come to the answers in a logical manner, no one is playing dumb in Ms. Nixon's novel. She has a strong female character who isn't afraid to take manners into her own hands. Even though Nolan wasn't part of any love triangle (So don't worry readers there isn't any of that going on!) I think I liked him a little more than Alan. Who wouldn't love a smart mouthed fallen angel though? That and doesn't like that cover? The ending of this book though will have readers wanting to know when the second installment comes out though!

Cover Design by Jennifer Wieland
(J.M. Rising Horse Creations)

OTHER BOOKS  by Diana Nixon:
Love Lines Series (YA/paranormal)

Hate at First Sight (A contemporary romance)

About the author:
Diana Nixon is a poet and the author of fantasy and contemporary romances.
She was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she currently lives. In 2008 she graduated from Belorussian state University. She has a Master of Law degree and speaks several foreign languages, including English, Polish and Spanish.
Buying books:

The Samples "African Ivory"

This week our guest blogger is Scott Lajoie, who has substituted for me before as editor of Cape Cod Magazine. Now a writer with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouth Port, Scott is writing about songs addressing animal welfare issues of today. 

The 90s alternative jam reggae band The Samples, a long-time fave of mine (in fact, I mentioned them the last time I guest-blogged), produced a lot of songs with socially conscious lyrics about the environment. I read them now and they sound a little corny:
Nature, it's all around me
Nature is so astounding
Puts me on a beach
Swims beneath the sea
It's never out of reach
It's even you and me
In the last two months, however, the song “African Ivory” has become very real to me, especially the two lines, There's a rhinoceros horn on our big TV and There's an elephant tusk on our big TV.
These lines address two of the worst products of wildlife trafficking, rhino horn and elephant ivory, both of which are horrendously sawed off the face of these charismatic megafauna after they are poached. Tusk and horn are not like wool or discarded antlers, folks; the elephants and rhinos must be killed to harvest it.

Along with human trafficking, drug running and illegal arms sales, wildlife crime—which includes a whole host of wildlife “derivatives” too numerous to mention—ranks among the most serious, dangerous, and damaging of international crimes, worth an estimated US $19 billion per year as noted in IFAW’s  “Criminal Nature – The Global Security Implications of the Illegal Wildlife Trade.”

As I write this on Monday, we at IFAW are lauding the ivory crush in Guangzhou, China. For those of you who are not familiar with a crush, it is a symbolic gesture on the part of a government to pulverize ivory. By doing so, it brings exposure to the poaching of elephants, the illegal trafficking of material across borders, and the conflicted morality of purchasing and even owning ivory. (For a very personal account of the latter, read True Blood actress Kristin Bauer’s blog on the topic.)

IFAW works everyday to address the myriad issues related to this often overlooked type of crime. It’s rarely on your “big TV.”

Band leader and song writer Sean Kelly posted a video for an acoustic version recently with a note:
Published on Jan 15, 2013:

In the mid eighties I saw a documentary on the severity of the poaching of Elephants for their ivory tusks and Rhinoceros for their horns. I had a helpless and nauseous feeling in my stomach and soul.
All this information was coming through my TV set. I wrote this song back in 1988 or 89 and as you can see from this article, sadly nothing has changed in regard to the sadistic need for a frickin bone!!!!


The version I post here is of the original.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Neko Case "The Tigers Have Spoken"

This week our guest blogger is Scott Lajoie, who has substituted for me before as editor of Cape Cod Magazine. Now a writer with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouth Port, Scott is writing about songs addressing animal welfare issues of today.

They shot the tiger on his chain
In a field behind the cages
He walked in circles 'til he was crazy
And he lived that way forever
And he lived that way beside them,
Separate from the other tigers
He did not know another tiger.
We know them as one of the magnificent big cats. Ferocious. Powerful. Royal. With probably the most recognizable markings on the planet.

But tigers are facing enormous threats. Their natural habitat is diminishing. Poachers pursue them for the beautiful coats. There is a market for tiger bone wine, a tonic used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Perhaps you don’t know that one major issue in the welfare of tigers is a domestic one. There are more tigers in private ownership here in America than there are in their natural wild habitat in China and Russia.

While some living quarters are fitting, others are woefully inadequate, the “trophy” cats living in squalid conditions. What’s more, when these cats break free, they present a horrible safety risk in the surrounding community. Remember the breakout in Ohio?

Each year, some of these tigers are given up and relocated to a number of sanctuaries across the country. Others are not so lucky.

Neko Case tackled this issue back in 2004 with her song, The Tigers Have Spoken. It is haunting ode with cool guitar effects to the isolated life and tragic death of one such tiger.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Police "King Of Pain"

This week our guest blogger is Scott Lajoie, who has substituted for me before as editor of Cape Cod Magazine. Now a writer with the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouth Port, Scott is writing about songs addressing animal welfare issues of today.

I was obsessed with Synchronicity when it was released in 1983. Granted, I was only 10, but it proved to be pretty prescient as I still consider the album one of the greatest of all time.

The song King of Pain described phenomena of the natural world we humans perceive to be horribly tragic. Two lines stand out to me now because the non-profit for which I work, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, specifically addresses these issues.

There's a blue whale beached by a springtime's ebb.

Blue whales rarely beach themselves. The problem of stranding comes mostly with smaller whales (pilots) and dolphins. I wrote about IFAW’s Marine Mammal Rescue and Research team, the group that rushes out to the flats to attend to these creatures, when I was still with Cape Cod Magazine. We do not know why whales and dolphins strand, but we are learning about potential factors, including the overwhelming amount of noise with which we humans have polluted the ocean.

"There's a red fox torn by a huntsman's pack."

I really wasn’t very aware of what this line meant until I learned specifically about the fox hunt in Britain. IFAW has campaigned for years against this cruel “sport,” in which hounds led by a hunter descend on a chased fox and literally rip the animal apart. Another rock star has joined the fight against this practice: Brian May of Queen. Although it has been officially banned in the UK, hunters still engage in it under authorities’ radar. IFAW, however, has sponsored observer teams to follow these hunters into the woods and document their actions.

Hear the song on Youtube.

Monday 6 January 2014

PFR "Goldie's Last Day"

This was the subject of some future Weekend Post.

Though I never heard it anywhere else, this one was a semi-frequent request at the station I worked at in the mid-90s in Virginia.

At the time I had always thought it was pretty dang goofy.  Writing about your dog dying under mysterious circumstances and throwing in a bit of Taps struck me as ridiculous.

A few years later, a friend of mine had her dog poisoned, and the goofiness of the song was undercut by the realness of that incident.

I mention this story because this week, I'm turning over the blog to my friend Scott Lajoie, who is now making his life's work about the concern for animal welfare.  

While it's easy to make light (or be like Nelson Muntz on The Simpsons and suggest we "Nuke The Whales"), there is important work to be done, and important issues to consider.  It is pretty impressive that right on Cape Cod, there is a worldwide-ranging organization working to protect and preserve rights for animals, and bring awareness to issues much larger, including the fur and ivory trade for instance.

Musicians have been bringing awareness to these topics in their songs for many, many years, and Scott will highlight a few of them, and talk about the organization he works for, The International Fund For Animal Welfare.

And if you still need to make thing light, when you say IFAW, you can say it like Nelson Muntz says "HAW-Haw!"

Hear the song on Youtube.

Sunday 5 January 2014

mini blog series ~ Going Rogue

Hey Lovelies!
This is the last installment of Going Rogue! If you missed any chapters you're in luck they're all a page to a page and a half long each. This little series is part of End of the Line. Aaron is one of the main characters of End of the Line who is trying to help a group of teens survive. He though spends a little time away from the group, but what does he do when he's gone? Going Rogue has the answers....

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

                     Going Rogue

Chapter Six

I think I was going in the right direction. I was able to retrace my steps back to the abandoned house so that I could put myself in the right direction of the apartments. God, I hope that Lauren and the group did not move. She didn't move last time I left them, but how many chances would I really get? When you cared for someone, how many chances were they entitled to? My poor parents I'm sure gave me more chances then they should've, but Lauren wasn't my mom. I didn't love her, but I could not get her out of my head. Oh crud. I had feelings for her. I kicked the ground before me. I was hoping that physically I was attractive to her because she was there. The upside down stomach feeling when I looked into those eyes. The need to kiss her. Lauren took over my mind despite the months away from her. It all made sense now.
I screamed out and clenched my arm. I'd been shot. I pulled my hand to see it covered in red, there was a hole in my coat. Glancing over my shoulder I saw a man with a gun pointed at me. I had been too much in my own thoughts to keep my eyes open to my surroundings. I tried running away, jumping over a log as the woods started to spin.
"He went that way."
I cursed. I couldn't hide in the trees because there weren't any left. There were foot steps behind me, they were heavy. I tripped over a rock and tumbled down the slight hill. Still holding my arm I crawled on the ground till I reached a river. The men were right behind me. I inched closer to the water, I only had seconds. I took a deep breath and dunked myself under the water.
Needles stabbed me. Thousands upon thousands needles felt like they were stabbing every inch of my body. Just when I wanted to burst through the water and yell out I saw figures moving on the hill, they looked in my direction, but kept moving. When I thought my lungs would burst in flames the men were gone. Leaping out of the water my teeth chattered as my body shook uncontrollably. Glancing around me I searched for wood and a couple of stones. I had a small pile of sticks, but my hands were shaking so much that I had trouble creating a fire. Just when I was about to give up a lone spark came to life, creating a fire.
I took off my coat and threw it on the floor. It was soaking wet and only causing me to shudder more. I slid my hat off my head and wrung it out. I went to rip the winter hat, but my hands kept trembling. I got frustrated that I brought the material to my teeth and did a hard yank till I heard a tear. I smiled as I wrapped the material around my wound and tied it tightly. The bullet only grazed me.
I threw some stones around the fire in a circle before I finally gave in to the need to rest. I leaned my head against my knees. I needed to get to Lauren and Sean. I can do this. I had never been so cold before in my entire life. I had to block it all out, I was close.
That night I was hardly able to get any sleep. I could not get warm and I had to keep feeding the fire. I would sell my left foot for a dry blanket. When the sun started to rise I got up and stomped out the fire. Crossing my arms I trudged on with my eyes barely able to stay open. Chills ran down my spine, but I kept putting one foot in front of the other. They had to still be there.
Whispers of many voices reached my ears. I shook my head and glanced around searching for the source. The voices grew louder and I felt déjà vu over come me. I pushed aside the drowsiness and ran. Between the trees I came across a road and buildings. People were yelling out. My knees almost gave out. My breath came out heavy with puffs of smoke.

My muscles I thought were ready to cave in, but I ran. Little Paige and Sean were in those buildings I knew it. Lauren, my Lauren was in there, I could feel it in my bones. There were less people outside on this winter day. Once I busted through the doors of the apartment I saw people throwing things at each other, a person went to go throw a punch at another person. I leap over a body with my heart pounding against my chest. With each step that I climbed the pain I was in seemed to dim and a smile grew till I was standing in front of a door. I raised my hand to knock to be allowed to be welcomed back into my life, my family.